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December 9, 2005

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Atlanta Festival of Trees

German pyramid

A German pyramid. This version of the "Christmas tree" is also common in Italy.

Christmas in Holland

Christmas in Holland.

A partridge in a pear tree

"...and a partridge in a pear tree. Must be very good pears!

Scottish Christmas tree

The Scottish Christmas tree.

Wreath made of shells

This wreath of shells fit this year's Festival of Trees cruise theme...

Flamingos in snow boots do the ubiquitous flamingo mascots.

Tree decorated with Lego ornaments

This tree is decorated in ornaments made only from Lego blocks.
The train underneath and the Santa are also made of Legos.

South Seas gingerbread house

Gingerbread house, cruise of the South Seas style.
The roof is made of tied, scorched angel hair, the sides of mini shredded wheat.

Santa at the beach

Santa is seen relaxing on the beach the day after Christmas.
Notice the Necco wafer roof tiles! Also Starlight mints, gumdrops, Lifesavers, pretzels.

A gingerbread village

A gingerbread community. Notice the reproduction of the Globe Theatre with flamingos in front!

A hockey themed tree

A hockey-themed tree for the Atlanta Thrashers. Some of the ornaments are tiny Zambonis!

The basketweaver's tree

Basketweavers decorated this charming tree.

ARTC performs

Atlanta Radio Theatre performance of "The First Christmas Tree in Atlanta."
L to R: Phil Carter, Trudy Leonard, Al Leonard, Clair Kiernan, Karen Barrett
Inset: Daniel Taylor on foley.

Centennial park decorated for Christmas

Centennial Olympic Park decked out for Christmas.
"Bouncing" snowflakes dart through the fountains.